الغوغاء & واتس اب: +86 15981847286 البريد الإلكتروني: info@sxfertilizermachine.com

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محبب الأسمدة/

نوع جديد من الأسمدة العضوية المحبب

المواد الخام المناسبة: Compost from livestock manure, carbon black, clay, kaolin, green manure, sea fertilizer, microorganisms, الخ.
سعة: 1-8 طن / ساعة
الضمان: 1 سنة
استخدام: صنع الأسمدة العضوية الحبيبية
مادي: الكربون الصلب Q235 / سبيكة
الصناعات المعمول بها: زراعة, البستنه, حماية البيئة, تجهيز المنتجات الزراعية والطاقة الحيوية, الخ.

البريد الإلكتروني: info@sxfertilizermachine.com
الغوغاء & واتس اب: +86 15981847286
تل: +86 371-86582811

  • تفاصيل المنتج
  • ملامح
  • البارامتر
  • استخبار

محبب الأسمدة العضوية المطور حديثا من شركة تشنغتشو شونشين للمعدات الهندسية, المحدوده. is a molding machine which can make the material into a specific shape.

The new type organic fertilizer granulator uses high speed rotating mechanical shearing force and the resulting air power, making continuous implementation of the fine powder material in the machine mixing, granulating, spheroidizing, density and other processes, which achieves the goal of the granulation. The granulation method makes the pellet rate higher, and the granule is more beautiful, while saving energy and improving efficiency.

مبدأ العمل

The new type organic fertilizer granulator uses high speed rotating mechanical shearing force and the resulting air power, making continuous implementation of the fine powder material in the machine mixing, granulating, spheroidizing, density and other processes, which achieves the goal of the granulation. The granulation method makes the pellet rate higher, and the granule is more beautiful, while saving energy and improving efficiency.

1.The principle is simple, and the granulation speed is fast; using high speed rotating mechanical shearing force and the resulting air power makes continuous implementation of the fine powder material in the machine mixing, granulating, spheroidizing, density and other processes.

2.The granule quality is high and the machine is especially suitable for granulation of light powder materials. Finer particles of fine powder, higher sphericity of granules, and higher pellets quality.

3.No bond is required; using the particles of organic matter to be interbred with each other under certain forces, so no bond is needed for granulation.

4.Wide source of materials, including livestock and poultry manure, compost fertilizer, sea fertilizer, cake fertilizer, الخ.




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