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خط إنتاج الأسمدة العضوية/

خط إنتاج الأسمدة العضوية سماد الأرانب

المواد الخام المناسبة: Rabbit manure, pig manure or other organic waste.
سعة: 1-20طن / ساعة
الضمان: 1 سنة
لون: تخصيص
استخدام: صنع الأسمدة العضوية الحبيبية
مادي: الكربون الصلب Q235 / سبيكة
الصناعات المعمول بها: زراعة, البستنه, حماية البيئة, تجهيز المنتجات الزراعية والطاقة الحيوية, الخ.

البريد الإلكتروني: info@sxfertilizermachine.com
الغوغاء & واتس اب: +86 15981847286
تل: +86 371-86582811

  • تفاصيل المنتج
  • ملامح
  • استخبار

The rabbit manure organic fertilizer production line is complete set of equipment for organic fertilizer, which makes use of rabbit manure as raw materials. First the rabbit manure in the excrement can be pumped into the equipment by sludge pump. Then the materials are dehydrated by dewatering equipment with some 40% of water content. The straw, rice chaff( contain N\P\K) and other crops can be used as packing material. Then add biological bacterium agent to the material. Mix 1 kg of bacterial agents with 20 kg of water into the materials, then 1 ton of raw material can be fermented. Once fermentation with 1 ل 2 days. The materials can be thoroughly decomposed in 7 ل 10 days.

Complete set of equipment

The completer set of equipment includes: compost tuner, semi-wet material mixer, rotary screen machine, خلاط أفقي, disk granulator, drying machine, cooling machine, آلة طلاء, automatic quantitative packing machine, الخ.

1.The rabbit manure organic fertilizer production line possesses compact structure, التكنولوجيا المتقدمة, stable operation and convenient maintenance.

2.This production line is suitable for a wide range of raw materials including various proportioned organic compound fertilizer and biological organic fertilizer, which can provide nutrient for crop growth and improve the soil.

3.This line features low investment and quick returns, reducing pollution of livestock breeding. The animal waste is cheap and easy to collect, greatly reduced the production cost. The livestock excrement is treated in time, which benefits animal epidemic prevention and our living environment.




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